Specialty Aviation

Specialty Aviation Inc.

Employment Opportunities


Independent Aircraft Auditor Representatives Wanted

Independent Aircraft Auditor Job Description:

As an Independent Aircraft Auditor (subcontractor), duties require travel to a predetermined location, coordinate with contact personnel as needed, perform an audit of a specific aviation asset, and provide the information to SAI headquarters. This information will be collected, recorded and deposed as instructed by and on SAI generated approved checklist. All auditors will comply with an SAI training program.

» Auditors will be required to:

• Review logbooks and documentation for consistency, chronology, maintenance and
regulatory compliance, damage, etc.
• Observe the aircraft and articulate the condition and status for both the interior and
the exterior.
• Complete the proprietary checklist and work with our appraisers to provide audit
details as needed on a timely basis.
• Digitally photograph and document the aircraft and records as requested.
• Research information as needed
• Use a computer: specifically Microsoft Word and Email functions
• Travel as needed

Note: We do not provide maintenance inspections for aircraft. The audit is a hands-off review of the asset and its components, which is based on your observations.

» How Subcontracting Works:

SAI Valuations operates worldwide. To provide our clients with efficient, quality service at a competitive price, we utilize regional independent auditors.

If a project arises that matches the geographic location of an aviation asset with the location and experience of an independent auditor(s), the SAI Valuations project manager will contact the potential auditor(s) and offer the assignment. Specific details of the project will be discussed at that time. The auditor has the option to accept or decline the assignment.

» Subcontractor Status:

Subcontracting opportunities take place on an as-needed basis and are considered supplemental employment. This is not a full time position or a guarantee of work. At no time will you be an employee of SAI Valuations.

» Submit your Resume:

If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity, please:
• Forward your resume via email (subject: Regional Contractor) or mail to:

SAI Valuations
1424 West Church St.
Sandwich, IL 60548

• Include any references you have for our review.

» What we do:

A large portion of our business is derived from the financial community. We perform audits, appraisals, and residual assumptions on business aircraft, machinery, engines, and other aviation related assets.